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Seaplane Help in NY

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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
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Seaplane Help in NY
We need a little help in the Adirondacks. If you have a minute take a look and help out.


[h=[URL="http://www.seaplaneforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=10&p=22364#p22362"]Letters needed to help seaplanes in the Adirondack Mountains[/URL]]3[/h] by Tim McCormack » Mon Dec 01, 2014 9:08 pm
As some of you might remember we lost access to Lows Lake, one of the biggest lakes in the Adirondack Park of New York State, a few years ago due to the efforts of the "paddlers" to keep us from (quote) "destroying their wilderness experience". Some of us fought pretty hard, but we got nothing more than a last minute, lousy letter from the SPA in our support ( which is one of the reasons I no longer belong) so, we lost.

The Adirondack Park Agency (APA) is now considering making more changes to the Master Plan for the park and it's an opportunity for us to voice our interest in keeping, and expanding, our access to the lakes in the Park. Please give us a little help in showing that there are some of us who want to visit the beautiful lakes in the Park on an equal basis with all the other "special interest" groups. Send a short note to
[email protected],

The written comments must be in by this Friday, December 5th so DO IT NOW WHILE YOU'RE THINKING OF IT!!!!!!. Please send me a copy of your note so I can keep it for future reference at one of their hearings. [email protected] I've attached mine.

It doesn't have to be long or elaborate, but input is crucial. We need a note from every one of us to go to the APA at [email protected]

Here's the link to the APA website:


And here's the press release by the APA:

http://www.apa.ny.gov/Press/pressreleas ... easeID=510

Sample letters already posted

December 1, 2014

To: Deputy Director, Planning Kathy Regan

Re: APSLMP changes

As I'm sure you know, seaplane pilots and passengers have been greatly restricted in the Adirondack Park over the years, with the most recent issue being exclusion from Lows Lake. Without reopening the wounds from that discriminatory decision, suffice it to say that even the promise of an "alternate" to Lows Lake for seaplanes has never materialized.

I urge you to be considerate of us who enjoy the great Adirondacks from a seaplane and to find ways to keep the lakes available to us that are already non-restricted, and to find new ones that can be added to the list.

Tim McCormack
address and phone

December 2nd, 2014

To: Deputy Director, Planning Kathy Regan

Re: APSLMP changes

Dear Ms. Regan;

As a seaplane pilot living in "Down State" New York, it has been increasingly difficult to find bodies of water where I can enjoy seaplane operations. For that reason, I have over the years, traveled more than 200 miles to have access to lakes and rivers where I could enjoy both seaplane flying and the great outdoors. As I'm sure you know, seaplane pilots and passengers have been greatly restricted in the Adirondack Park over the years as well in sections of the Hudson River where the river co-exists with the New York Canal System.

As the new Master Plan emerges, I urge you to be considerate of us who enjoy the great Adirondacks from a seaplane and to find ways to keep the lakes available to us that are already non-restricted, and to find new ones that can be added to the list.

Robert P. Kittine, Jr.
address and phone

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