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2016 Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome Cub Fly-In

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Clay Hammond

Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2005
Reaction score
JULY 16 & 17, 2016

...is a Saturday and Sunday. Join us at ORA in upstate New York for what I hope becomes an annual recurring event once again. Feel free to arrive early, won't matter if you stay late. We always enjoy the company and we understand the realities associated with low and slow traveling. Camping on field, hotels motels and B&B's in town. Enterprise rental car in Kingston across the river if you need to get around independently. Avgas available at Kingston-Ulster County Airport (20N), a four minute flight from the museum. Airshows Saturday and Sunday from 2-4p. Only fly-in cost will be airshow admission on Saturday and Sunday, at Group Rate, honor system. And please exit through the gift shop

SWT Aviation Northeast, the CubCrafters Dealer up this way, will sponsor dinner Saturday and Sunday evenings.

I will plan on coordinating some informal flying activities at the field in the evenings after the biplanes rides have ended. Spot landing, short takeoff, bomb drop...etc. Might just be for bragging rights, although I'll line up some prizes if I can. If any local pilots step up we will try and swing some morning and afternoon fly-outs to tour the beautiful Hudson River Valley and surrounding Catskill, Berkshire, and Adirondack Mountains.

Bring your own tie-downs. July is good for pounding T-storm or two. Make sure your aircraft is well secured.

To get an idea on attendance please respond here, or email me at [email protected].

info on the Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome:


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Full Disclosure: I am the Sales Manager for SWT Aviation Northeast, the CubCrafters dealer for the Northeastern US. I am also the Vice President on the Board of Trustees at Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome. I look forward to seeing and meeting everyone at the fly-in!





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