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Garmin GTR-200

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bob turner

Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2005
Reaction score
I guess I asked about this unit on Super Cub dot org. Cannot find my thread here. We are planning an upgrade for the New Cub. Here is my letter to Garmin:

A while back I asked about programmable memories in the GTR-200. I have since had the pleasurable opportunity to use and program a GTR-200 in a Great Lakes biplane - a noisy environment.

I was very pleased with the presentation, ease of entry, and ease of access to the memory banks. I will be purchasing this unit for our instructional Cub.

As a suggestion - perhaps it would be even better if, once in the USER memory mode, it stayed there after a frequency flip-flop? That would place this unit at the very top of comms with memory features. For our environment (seven towers in the local area, and airplanes not designed for cross-country) that would be optimum.

One thing I did not get a chance to check out was the internal intercom. The airplane I flew has a PM-1200 intercom, which worked flawlessly. I plan to have a PM-1200 ready, but will start out attempting to use your internal intercom. Most avionics techs advise against using an internal intercom, and I have avoided doing so so far, but by accident I got in to your menu functions and adjusting squelch and volume seems trivial.

I believe it was Kevin who helped me out with understanding this memory - I have lost the e-mail. Thanks for your help. This radio appears to be a quantum leap forward from the SL-40.

Regards - Bob Turner - San Diego

Sent from my iPad

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