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Toll road rate hikes

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Jeff J

Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
May 16, 2019
Reaction score
I got a bit of a rude awakening over the holidays. Kansas and Oklahoma have both done away with toll booths and gone to a “plate pay” system. They take pictures of your plate and mail you a bill. My initial thought was it would be nice to not have to stop and pay BUT Kansas doubled what they charge to not have a toll road account and Oklahoma tripled their rate. I think it used to cost me $2.75 to use I-44 to go to Joplin, MO but now it is $8.75 for the same stretch unless you have a PikePass or other accepted turnpike account from another state.

I only use toll sections I-35 in Kansas or I-44 in Oklahoma a couple of times a year so I never saw any value to getting an account and installing a transponder on my car. I guess I will spend the extra 10-15 minutes driving and avoid those roads from now on.

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