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Legend cub for sale

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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2007
Reaction score

Hey guys,

I got an email from Legend of a 2 year old Legend Cub for sale. I have no interest or need but I know there are Cub seekers that visit here that might be interested. The photos struck me as down right pretty. I am sorry but I could not figure out how to copy and paste thephotos of this beautiful Cub look a like here. It is shown at their website and is very pretty. The price shown for this two year old Cub with 130 hours and full panel: $ 90,000. Photos at www.legend.aero

Rollie at 9B1
NC3336N Driver

Aircraft Information:
Registration Number: N990JG
Classic Open Cowl Design AL3
Pre-Owned Legend Aircraft Inspected
90-Day Airframe Warranty
Fresh Conditional Annual Inspection
No Damage History
Only 131 Hrs. TT
Day / Night VFR Ready

Continental O-200D 100 HP Engine
Sensenich Classic Wood Propeller
Air / Oil Separator
Oil Quick Drain

Dynon FlightDEK D180 EFIS/EMS Glass Panel?
Avidyne TAS600 Traffic Advisory System
Garmin GPSMAP 496
Garmin SL40 Comm Radio
Garmin GTX 327 Mode C Transponder
PS Engineering P M-1200 Intercom
Bose Powered Headset Jacks

Safety / Comfort:
Wingtip Strobe / Position Lights / It also has float plane doors (one on each side).
HID Landing Light
Amsafe Inertial Reel Seatbelts
GreyLeather Seats
8.00 x 6 Tires
Float Attach Fittings

Call 903-885-7000 for information.
E-mail mike.taylor@ctay.net

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