My J-5 has what looks like to be a J-3 muffler and tailpipe exhaust ,they are stainless
not the original type . Is there a clamp for the tailpipe to muffler ?
My bottom tailpipe and heat shroud has a large clamp to the engine
mount ? here is a pic of what my muffler looks like . I have been looking
on the web and any opinions will be helpful. Bob I respect your knowledge
and others here ! Please chime in thanks, Mike
not the original type . Is there a clamp for the tailpipe to muffler ?
My bottom tailpipe and heat shroud has a large clamp to the engine
mount ? here is a pic of what my muffler looks like . I have been looking
on the web and any opinions will be helpful. Bob I respect your knowledge
and others here ! Please chime in thanks, Mike

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