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A couple of question (cowling and tailpipe installation)

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jan 12, 2017
Reaction score
What is the correct hardware that goes on the engine mount pins behind the cowling grommets? Also, the parts catalog shows a “rubber cowl support” part no 81342~36 on the two front pins that mount to the engine, but Univair doesn’t seem to sell them. Do these go on all of the pins or just the two in front?

How is the tailpipe shroud secured? I have the two clamps and the brace that connects them. There is a hole in the tailpipe shroud clamp. Does this get a screw into the shroud? Is there any other hardware to hold the shroud on? Also, it looks like the angles on both the tailpipe and the shroud face forward. Is this correct?

Thanks. Picture or drawings appreciated.


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