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I just delayed my annual Warning 18+ no kids

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Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2010
Reaction score
well it looks like I will delay my annual for a couple of weeks , F-22 and B-1's
going to Korea , Hey if I am lucky I won't have to worry about the 1000.00
god damn dollars I just spent on a carb overhaul for an 0-200 , My buddy Clay
said he would GIVE me half interest in a 300 Super Viking , true......if I
RECOVERED the plane . Sorry Charly .....f that.. 12-15 gals per hour lol.
like I got money lol..........hey I own a Cub for a REASON cheeeep

There are people very worried about what damn tailwheel fits a Cub .
1. Maule eight inch FAA certified is a piece of **** , wabble wabble
shake rattle and roll . (PA-20-35 150 Lyc.)
2. After the aircraft shook so violent that the throttle went in by its self
I sold the damn thing and bought a Scott 3200 case closed .Oh boo hoo
it ain't original equipment though .....foiled by the Cub gods on this website

give me a break look what my ole lady said when I mentioned this:D:D:D

On my J-5 I have an illegal tailwheel ,yes I must confess I love
the hard rubber maule..........man it just gives you a woody when
you grease it up good and man ........friction is good lol.but not on
your tail 'wheel' . So gas is gonna be 6.00 here in East Texas , I flew
the Breezy yesterday and the airport was dead . I mean it is like having
your own personal runway ..........for FREE . Thank you Mr. Obama.

He can fix this for us all ............please Mr. President I want a
Cub subsidy .........yeah that is what I want . Well today is
Easter and I hope the Pope can convince the "j" man to intervene.

I been thinking about investing in the Euro??? ,been listening to the
fear mongers on Fox and Friends......Limbo and Michael Savage
gloom and doooom .....well until then I will fly my Breezy boys.
I wonder what radiation from a nuke feels like in a Cub:D:D:p


Phyllis Dilla.jpg

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