First off , If I wanted a J-3 Cub I could buy two of them but it wouldn't make me happy . Being happy is
important right ? And being an older Alpha male has it's problems . I am not going to ever sell my J-5
and when the day comes that I can't fly no more will chop the damn thing to pieces and bury it or
make a make a windmill out of it . Or just look at it like you would a pretty woman ......There are some
J-3/L-4's girls that are really lookers yah know !
I remember the old guy who I bought my J-5 from and god in heaven what a jerk he was . The first time
I met him me and my friend Max were looking at his Super Cub to get ideas for Max's newly purchased
Smith Cub .........(a nice airplane but not my cup of tea.....ehhh) . I saw the J-5 back in the corner all dusty
and neglected like a son without a legit daddy (you know the word) . I was shiny all all new looking , BUT,
The old man didn't want to sell her , He had in his hangars ...A beautiful Cessna 195, An immaculate.....
Stinson 108 (small tail the pretty one) a Culver Cadet (nice) and of COURSE the 85 hp J-3 Cub .....The one
that everybody wanted waaaaay back then and even today ! It doesn't matter what year the J-3 Cub will
be forever more the eternal one ........Almost a deity for many , ( I can't fit my 6'1" lager frame into one)...
Also at 62 me belly gets in the way to a nice full stall all the way back stick landing . I don't have that
problem with Decathlons and Citabria's ,Luscombes,T-Crafts, name it .........The age old retort , I am
6' 11 and I fit just fine in my J-3 ! ..........Ok good for you and may your cramps be few and you can deny
till the good guy comes back that you can see just fine from the back seat with your knees under your chin.
You know it is a crying shame that old man Taylor .........You remember him don't you ? He was a
very small man with giant dreams and he did wonderful things for aviation back in those days . I had
the privilege to meet and talk with him at Oshkosh way back when . Just think though if the Mr. Taylor
had been 6'4" .........or even 6' .......Now I am really dreaming . But history and fact always trumps
reality . If your upset about me talking about the all time for the ages American icon of private aviation
the J-Cub .....I do apologize .
Well , the first time I met Jack and asked him about the neglected J-5 in the corner and would he consider
selling the airplane and you would have thought I asked to date his young beautiful daughter.
To be kind he was a real jerk ...a curmudgeon, A less than nice guy like me !
So I asked so kindly
if I could just look ..........(secretly lusting my heart away and dreaming of many hours of happy flying).
To make a long story short ....(I can't think of anything else to say ..I hate that saying ! lol ) I went
back a month later after Max got his Smith Cub project and Jack was a kinder more gentle man when
I told him ..........Ok , I will give your asking price and no bartering , No low balling , No but , but ,buts,
and not being a BUTT and we made a deal . He was really not a jerk afterall . He said he loved the bastard
of all tandem Pipers and so did I .
Whatever makes you goofy and I am not talking about the late 60's
and early 70's of a certain flower that made you think you were flying either !
Lots of loops and barrel roll and some downright neglect (Oh what a hypocrite I am ) I am now ready
to get my J-5 back into the air after a lengthy sidetrack ...( I built a Shelby Cobra replica and was flying
my wife's Breezy too ......(almost a Cub with PA-12 wings ) what a waste of good Piper wings . Oh well ,
she will never read this , She is as goofy for a Breezy as I am the J-5 . I took her for a ride in a Clipwing
85hp Cub . I might have well said that Lyle Lovett and Julia Roberts would always be together .....You
see there was no J-3 for me . I wish I had been born shorter and my extended range fuel tank holds more
than enough ............But when I get my Cub licensed and back in more than good flying condition , I am
very excited to fly her ! I have lost 70 lbs since I last flew my plane! .......Damn that 100hp will seem like
a Super Stroker
.................To be continued .
important right ? And being an older Alpha male has it's problems . I am not going to ever sell my J-5
and when the day comes that I can't fly no more will chop the damn thing to pieces and bury it or
make a make a windmill out of it . Or just look at it like you would a pretty woman ......There are some
J-3/L-4's girls that are really lookers yah know !
I remember the old guy who I bought my J-5 from and god in heaven what a jerk he was . The first time
I met him me and my friend Max were looking at his Super Cub to get ideas for Max's newly purchased
Smith Cub .........(a nice airplane but not my cup of tea.....ehhh) . I saw the J-5 back in the corner all dusty
and neglected like a son without a legit daddy (you know the word) . I was shiny all all new looking , BUT,
The old man didn't want to sell her , He had in his hangars ...A beautiful Cessna 195, An immaculate.....
Stinson 108 (small tail the pretty one) a Culver Cadet (nice) and of COURSE the 85 hp J-3 Cub .....The one
that everybody wanted waaaaay back then and even today ! It doesn't matter what year the J-3 Cub will
be forever more the eternal one ........Almost a deity for many , ( I can't fit my 6'1" lager frame into one)...
Also at 62 me belly gets in the way to a nice full stall all the way back stick landing . I don't have that
problem with Decathlons and Citabria's ,Luscombes,T-Crafts, name it .........The age old retort , I am
6' 11 and I fit just fine in my J-3 ! ..........Ok good for you and may your cramps be few and you can deny
till the good guy comes back that you can see just fine from the back seat with your knees under your chin.
You know it is a crying shame that old man Taylor .........You remember him don't you ? He was a
very small man with giant dreams and he did wonderful things for aviation back in those days . I had
the privilege to meet and talk with him at Oshkosh way back when . Just think though if the Mr. Taylor
had been 6'4" .........or even 6' .......Now I am really dreaming . But history and fact always trumps
reality . If your upset about me talking about the all time for the ages American icon of private aviation
the J-Cub .....I do apologize .
Well , the first time I met Jack and asked him about the neglected J-5 in the corner and would he consider
selling the airplane and you would have thought I asked to date his young beautiful daughter.
To be kind he was a real jerk ...a curmudgeon, A less than nice guy like me !
if I could just look ..........(secretly lusting my heart away and dreaming of many hours of happy flying).
To make a long story short ....(I can't think of anything else to say ..I hate that saying ! lol ) I went
back a month later after Max got his Smith Cub project and Jack was a kinder more gentle man when
I told him ..........Ok , I will give your asking price and no bartering , No low balling , No but , but ,buts,
and not being a BUTT and we made a deal . He was really not a jerk afterall . He said he loved the bastard
of all tandem Pipers and so did I .
and early 70's of a certain flower that made you think you were flying either !
Lots of loops and barrel roll and some downright neglect (Oh what a hypocrite I am ) I am now ready
to get my J-5 back into the air after a lengthy sidetrack ...( I built a Shelby Cobra replica and was flying
my wife's Breezy too ......(almost a Cub with PA-12 wings ) what a waste of good Piper wings . Oh well ,
she will never read this , She is as goofy for a Breezy as I am the J-5 . I took her for a ride in a Clipwing
85hp Cub . I might have well said that Lyle Lovett and Julia Roberts would always be together .....You
see there was no J-3 for me . I wish I had been born shorter and my extended range fuel tank holds more
than enough ............But when I get my Cub licensed and back in more than good flying condition , I am
very excited to fly her ! I have lost 70 lbs since I last flew my plane! .......Damn that 100hp will seem like
a Super Stroker