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Experimental versus LSA

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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2009
Reaction score
This topic came up in recent post. I have an interest and am uncertain of the rules. I am building exp clipped wing cub and want to limit its gross weight to 1320. My understanding is the LSA rules are totally separate from the old experimental amateur built rules but if your experimental amateur built aircraft happens to meet the gross weight, max speed, and stall speed of the LSA category it can be flown with a LSA license or private license without medical. Specifically I am concerned how gross weight of EXPERIMENTAL aircraft is determined. My understanding is the 195 lb pilot and passenger rule of the LSA pertains only to the standards accepted by the LSA manufactures and does not apply to normal experimental aircraft. Let's say for example my clipped wing cub with 0235 and PA22 Colt wings weighs 820 empty. With 18gal of fuel Plus 50lbs baggage that leaves 500-158 or 340/2 (170) each for pilot and passenger. If It ends up weighing more than 820 I would try to limit further on the C of A and Placard according that Total weight of passenger, pilot, and baggage cannot exceed a set specified amount, always assuming full fuel. As long as this number remains reasonable can I do this?

Jim Miller

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