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EAA needs J3 in Las Vegas

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Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2011
Reaction score
Hi guys here is a EAA call for a display of a J3 in Las Vegas. You get to fly into a Class B airport.

I am not doing it unless they close off the Strip to let me land.

Do you own a J-3 Cub, or know someone who does? EAA has an exciting opportunity for you to share this iconic airplane with thousands of people at this year’s National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) convention, held in Las Vegas, October 10-12.
EAA will introduce the 2012 Sweepstakes aircraft—a J-3 Cub—at this year’s convention, in honor of the 75thanniversary of this historic aircraft. We’d love to feature an example, but unfortunately, the event takes place too far away from Oshkosh to bring the actual sweepstakes aircraft, so we are seeking the help of our membership.
EAA is looking for someone to fly their J-3 Cub into McCarran International Airport (KLAS) in Las Vegas before 9 a.m. on October 6. Realizing this isn’t typical practice, EAA will coordinate with KLAS for the arrival and departure of a non-transponder equipped aircraft (the airplane must be equipped with at least a handheld communications radio). From there, NBAA will coordinate the safe ground transport of your plane to the Las Vegas Convention Center where it will be put on static display inside EAA’s booth. Your J-3 Cub will be available to fly out of KLAS on Friday, October 14.
In addition to lending EAA your plane, you are invited to attend the NBAA2011 convention. You’ll have the chance to talk with aviation industry leaders, interact with exhibitors, and attend educational sessions throughout the two-day event.
EAA will provide:
-Hotel accommodations between your arrival on October 6 and your departure on October 14
-The cost of fuel to fly into and out of McCarran International Airport
-Free admission to NBAA 2011 (October 10-12)

If you are interested in sharing your J-3 Cub with others and helping out EAA in the process, please call Elissa Lines at920-426-6101.

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