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Premium Member
Jan 13, 2010
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Better equipment for less: Reg rewrite targets cost & improved safety.

Streamlining certification under Part 23 of the federal aviation regulations could make it simpler and cheaper to bring new aircraft and products to market. Pilots could experience the benefits first in the form of more affordable equipment available by supplemental type certificate.
From a Bonanza Owner on the Pietenpol forum: Congress has passed and the president is to sign the FAA Part 23 rewrite. This does little for the Pietenpol group but it will greatly extent the life and affordability of flying my 1948 Vtail Bonanza. It makes it so that I can treat it more like a homebuilt. It is basically like the Canadian rule that allows the owner to manufacture or purchase non FAA certified parts. In Canada it has proven to actually improve safety. Owners can afford to get better instrumentation, and replace parts that the manufacturers have priced like they are made of unobtainium.
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