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Which prop?

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Mar 17, 2007
Reaction score
You guys helped out alot with my prop dilema, but now up to the point of having to put some real cash down on a new prop. I don't want to clip and re-pitch my CM7445 for the C-85 and would rather try to sell it (or keep it) as a pair with the complete A-65 that's coming off the plane as they're both only around 400 SMOH.

In any case, I've been going back and forth between being my cheap self and just getting a Sensenich wood and save a grand+, or just sweat it out and get the Sensenich 7442 metal. However, I have two problems;

I live in the rainy Northwest and while I take great ains to never flyi the Cub in the rain, the hangar still gets very moist inside and I have some concerns given the conditions about the wood prop over time.

Next, in using both the Mac and Sensenich metal prop application guide they list recommend props for the C-85. Dumb question part 2: with the added power of the stroked C-85, will those standard pitch/length recommendation (I guess for the wood too) still meet the static and dynamic RPM limits for the engine? Or, if I were to use the recommended climb prop, can it exceed the limits?



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