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The Cub my father flew in 1942

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Supporting Member
Oct 28, 2012
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I got my license in the early 70's and I am now 60. I got the tail wheel bug from the guy with a Stearman at our little WV airport. After a lot of dual tail wheel Cub time with my non CFI buddy I went to Florida this past winter to get my tail wheel endorsement. Through serendipity I now own and fly the 46 Cub that I trained in down in Florida.

On my way home to WV from Florida I stopped at my sister's home for a short visit. She said "You may want this" and handed me a government form from 1942 where my father upon high school graduation enlisted in the Army Air Corps and was sent from Pittsburgh to Middle Georgia College for 15 hours of dual F65 Cub instruction. Every flight was logged on this document including the "N" numbers of each Cub he flew. Then he was sent to San Antonio for flight school.

I Googled the "N" numbers and found one of the Cubs still flying and called the present owner to chat. Dang, what are the odds of that! My father never told me he flew a Cub before WW2 flight school. I knew of the PT 19, the BT-13 and the B-26 he flew across the South Atlantic in December 1944. I can even find his B-26 bomber crew list and missions he flew beginning in January 1945. (He was 21)

Small world! History is precious!

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