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Tailwheel Endorsement

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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2011
Reaction score
I was asked an interesting question the other day.
There is a young pilot here that recieved his initial flight training in a J3C. He was signed off for solo in 2015. No reference to an FAR was noted in the endorsement. Just that he met the flight training requirements and was qualified for solo flight in a J3C. He successfully completed his Private checkride later that year in a Cessna 172.
There is another CFI that thinks he now needs another endorsement that states he meets the requirements of 61.31(i) in order to fly a tailwheel airplane.
I say that the original solo endorsement meets the requirement of 61.31(i). There is no requirment in the FARs to list the FAR number in an endosement. Listing them does, however, make any endorsement much clearer.

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