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Tail Brace Wire Tabs

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Bill Batson
Supporting Member
Nov 5, 2012
Reaction score
As a follow up to my earlier post a few days back, I wanted to ask everyone's opinion concerning welding the tail brace wire attachment to the bottom longerons. KAP posted a great factory drawing of how the tab were shaped and welded to the longerons and the very rear fuselage cross tube.

From the drawings it shows the tabs are formed around the bottom longerons and on to the small cross tube. The tabs should be at an angle of 21 degrees from the horizontal to properly attach to the tail wires per the factory drawings. It shows the tabs welded on the bottom to the longerons and cross tube but does not show any weld on the top of the tabs to the longerons. This is how I did it after the new tubes were in. Please see the attached photos.

Would it be better to weld the top also or with out that weld can the tab angle be adjusted if needed?? Just wondered if the factory meant the top of the tabs should not be welded.



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