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Skylark Airpark EAA Taildragger Fly-In and Safety Seminar Sat October 10, 2009

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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2007
Reaction score
Hello fellow Cub lovers,

I saw this ad on "FunPlacestoFly.Com":

Saturday, Oct 10, 2009 — East Windsor, CT. Taildragger Vintage Fly-In and Safety Seminar (Website: http://www.eaa1310.org/ ). Skylark Airpark. ( http://www.airnav.com/airport/7B6 ) - Sectional Chart and Google Map, Saturday October 10th 9:30 - 12:00. Hear from area experts regarding tailwheel and vintage aircraft operation and maintenance. Qualifies for WINGS credit. A cookout by EAA Chapter 1310 follows. Donations are appreciated. Contact: Paul Dowgewicz 860-370-9990, Email: info@eaa1310.org

Anyone form J3-Cub.Com going? I will touch base with the other Cub drivers up here and report back.

Rollie at 9B1
Having a ball flying 36N since finishing a two year major.

J3 Taking Off Thumbnail.jpg

J3 Taking Off Thumbnail.jpg

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