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Pucker in training

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jan 18, 2007
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I am a very new tail wheel pilot and cub owner. I was getting my training from the man I bought my plane from. It was for sale when I started my training. I had no intent on buying the plane. After three days of training I was in love with the plane. I bought the plane before I had finished my training.
It has been real windy in East Texas the past few weeks. This past Monday we were waiting for the winds to slow. It just was not going to happen. So we went on to find an airport that they wert so bad. They were 10 to 15 down this runway. I was getting blown on cross and base. My instructor a high time tail wheel guy with time in everything from a Ford tri-motor to a 747. Was just tell me that strong winds off the nose can be real bad and always be ready. Because of the dangers of swinging of the nose to cross left or right. After about 2 to 3 landings and taxi backs that is what happened. Going down the runway with more and more rudder input on a slowing plane to full against the stop. Then as fast as you can think a left turn was happing. George saved the day. Back on the gas still with right rudder and a hard jab on the right brake. I must say it all happened very fast. My ass still has a piece of the seat in the crack.
I know not to fly in winds like that as a new tail wheel guy. I will say I am glade most all of my training was in x-winds. The last day of my check out were very light winds. It was all the difference in the world. I must say it was real nice how it all came together. I will be heading back for more work with George. He is only a little of a hour flight away.

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