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Propeller perfomance - speed verses pitch on Metal 71"

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Aug 26, 2008
Reaction score
Charleston, SC
I have a C-90-8 on my Cub and will be buying a new 71" metal prop soon. The question for me is: what do I gain in speed verses pitch?

I am interested if anyone has any good information on propeller performance with regard to how much more speed you get for different pitches. To get an accurate assessment, I would like to hear from anyone that has run different pitch propellers (same diameter) on their Cub. ((you can send me a PM if you would rather)).

I would guess the only real way to tell the difference in performance, is if you flew the SAME Cub with different pitch props, and can tell me the difference in performance (speed) you got. Telling me what kind of speed you get with a specific prop/engine combination won't really help me much.

Specifically, I am going to be buying a metal McCauley 1A90 or 1B90 – 71 inch propeller. I have an option on the pitch (48, 46, 44). Has anyone ever flown with any combination of these on the same Cub? I am wondering how much speed difference there is verses the obvious climb performance penalty as one moves up in pitch.

If no one has flown different prop pitches on the same Cub, does anyone know a rough conversion on how much speed you gain for the difference in pitch (given a fixed diameter)?


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