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J3 Tank drain question

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Mar 20, 2023
Reaction score
Mooresville, NC
Going through my first annual on my J3, and my AP and I are having a discussion about the fuel tank drain AD.

This J3 has been regularly flown and has had regular annuals back into the 90s that I traced down.

However, it does not have the specific drain called for by the 85-06-04 tank train AD.

The AD, calls for a drain and hose through the forward skin, which will drain out on the ground, with no ability to capture and check for water / other.

Instead this cub has a stop cock, like on a radiator, and I drain into sample glass, which allows me to actually check for contaminants.

When I bought the plain, this second drain ( internal on the tank vs Gascalator) was explained to me, history, no suggestion that was problematic.

The issue, I prefer catching and visually checking the fuel sample.

The A&P agrees the current with the intent, ( prevent contamination issues) and appears better than just draining out the bottom and not visually inspecting, but there is the matter of the AD and specific fix/parts it calls out.

So, I turn to the jury. What say you?

Is everybody just draining out, and living with it, or is anybody draining with a different solution that allows then to catch and inspect?

Has anyone had any issues / discussion with their friendly FAA representative about this?



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