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Prop & Tire Changes

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jan 24, 2007
Reaction score
Finally getting around to some of my planned projects.

I love the look of smoothies, and have been flying them since 2007. My Desser smooth tread tires cost me $280 each in 2007, but as we all know they are no longer available. In 2022 I found a set of NOS 1959 Royal Airplane smooth tires, which I installed along with a Grove Brake upgrade. I've flown the Royal's for over two years, and finally removed them as I want them available for special events. This weekend, I installed a set of Goodyear ribbed that I purchased last December for $499 each (current price is $624). They look good, but I sure wish Desser would replace their smooth tread mold.

When I bought by Cub in 2006 it had a 72GK44 (climb prop on my C85). In 2022 I installed a 72GK46 in the hopes of picking up some speed for longer trips and trying to keep up with other Cubs that have metal props. While I added approximately 5 mph I still couldn't keep up. Last December I ordered a McCauley 1B90/CM7144, which was finally delivered last week. There is a longer story, but I actually would up with two CM7144's. Anyway, the McCauley performs very well. It climbs like crazy and I've added another 6-9 mph. Today was the first time I've ever had to reduce power to stay below VNO in level flight on a turbulent day. I left the skull cap off so I could change props more quickly, since each prop has a hub. The original climb prop is now a wall hanger in my office.

Here are some photos...






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