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1944 J-3C (former MA National Guard L-4)
Supporting Member
Jul 10, 2022
Reaction score
To those more experienced than I…

I drove up in 2022 with my wife and daughter in tow and had a blast. This year I’m considering flying the Cub in, but not camping. I’ve already got an AirBnB arranged with some other pilot buddies, Mon-Thurs.

My considerations:

Getting on the arrival early per the NOTAM, 6:30-7AM or so means flying up the night before and finding a place to sleep. I’ve heard several vintage folks tie down at 8D1 (New Holstein) and make the trip in the morning. I’ve got family in Madison I could stay with, though it’d be a darn early morning and at least an hour flight to the start of the arrival.

Next, security. I wouldn’t be camping next to her and I’m apprehensive to leave the airplane with an AirBnB 20-30 minutes away. I’m also not sure if I’d enjoy the show as much, thinking I need to be by the airplane the entire day…I don’t think it’d be a problem if my Cub was a little rough around the edges, but it’s not. Perhaps I’m worried about nothing…it’s still just a silly yellow airplane.

Lastly, the weather. As is tradition, how well do these airplanes hold up to being tied down in Thunderstorms/heavy rain? I know, I know…they used to be kept outside, etc…I’m just curious how soaked my seats will be after a night in the weather.

I’m still just not sure the juice is worth the squeeze. Getting up there from Central Indiana won’t be a problem, albeit a long day of flying. The arrival, etc. doesn’t worry me too much, I’ve got an iPad, sentry, handheld and two MKI eyeballs, and hopefully the arrival is pretty quiet that early. It’s keeping the thing parked at the world’s busiest air show for four days without it getting damaged that worries me more.

Your thoughts/advice/prior experiences are much appreciated.


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