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Opinions and advice needed please.

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crispy critter

Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2007
Reaction score
I repairing a 1943 L4("A" I think)that has been restored to a J3 configuration. One of the repairs is to the top left U channel on the turtle deck just behind the wings trailing edge. I know I'm going to get a lot of mixed opinions about this but please keep in mind that I need to look at this from a realistic point of view for the present time. I'm repairing this aircraft to resell and i can not afford to spend a lot of extra money if I plan on keeping the sale price very reasonable for prospective buyers. However I really like being able to keep or put things back the way they were supposed to be..... I like originality but not at all opposed to updating things too. I have attached a few pics in a seperate post titled "Repairs begin on N4223S" that show the area of repair and wondering if it would truly be worthwhile to reinstall the greenhouse as the L4 is supposed to have or simply return to service as is? The hole to make the repair is going to be from the center of the turtle deck on top, down to the top longeron just below the rear window, and at least 20 inches long fore & aft to give me room to safely weld in a new piece of U channel. How much extra work and material cost would it really be to put the greenhouse back in and would it really be worth it right now or better to do that at the next recover? Once again,please try to base your opinions looking at it from my point of view. I want to keep things as original as I can, and if I can put it back to original without spending a lot of extra money then I would like to do so. I don't mind the extra work but also don't want to turn a 3-4 day part time repair into a full time winter project, however it would be a bit of a disappointment to cut this big of a hole in this location and not at least take the time to consider putting it back the way it is suppose to be.
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