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O-200 Carb (Marvel 10-4894-1) on a C-85 per: (STC SE01309AT)

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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2014
Reaction score
I can't find a Marvel 10-4240-1 for my C-85 stroker build but...

Per STC SE01309AT, it allows me to run a O-200 Marvel 10-4894-1 on a C-85 with a nozzle modification.

The overhaul and modification runs about 1,100 - 1,200 and the work can only be preformed by G&N Aircraft in Griffin, IN.

I saw a few posts of at least one other member running this STC a number of years ago on their cub without any issues.

Since I don't have a core 10-4340-1 to work with and can find a 10-4894-1 core easily to start with, are their any other drawbacks to going this route?

(assuming it gets overhauled with the correct float settings)

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