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North Alabama Spring Campout

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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2008
Reaction score
We are having a spring campout in 2 weeks. April 15-17. Putting out the invite to anyone who would like to come. This is a short grass strip, 1000' so taildraggers only. All we need now is some sunshine. :) Details below.

North Alabama Spring Campout April 15-17, 2011

Location: Clouds Cove, Alabama on the banks of the Tennessee River
Directions: 14nm Northwest of 8A1 (Guntersville) on the north side of the river.
About 5 miles SE of Huntsville Class C outer ring. Just follow the river and look for the giant
Barn shaped like a cross.
Coordinates: 34dg 30’ North 86dg 31’ West
Runway: 31-13 (1000’ no obstructions) Frequency: 123.45

Food: Friday Dinner: Barbeque Sandwich, Baked Beans, Potatoe Salad, Chips, Peach Cobbler
Saturday Breakfast: EAA Pancake breakfast at 3M5 (Moontown)
Lunch: TBA
Dinner: Grilled Burgers or Taco Salad, Baked Potatoe, Brownies or Cake
Sunday Breakfast: Sausage, Biscuits, Eggs and Grits at J5mike’s Hanger

Notes: Private grass strip OFF airport. Land at your own risk. Owner accepts no responsibility for accidents or loss. Please be respectful of the neighbors (very few) and cows (a lot). Vehicle available for supply runs to the nearest grocery or convience store (about 10 miles). Grills available for cooking. Donation Box for Food and Supplies.

Bring Bug Repellent.

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