Bit of the background:
I'm spending the weekend flying aerbatics with Greg Koontz. For those of you who don't know who Greg is, he's a great airshow performer with an aerobatics school in Alabama. He does a great show with his Super Decathlon and the Cub Comedy Act.
What is needed:
Over lunch today he mentioned he needed to track down a new oil sump for the 85 on his Cub. Anyone out there have one in good shape they would like to sell or know of a good source for them?
Bit of the background:
I'm spending the weekend flying aerbatics with Greg Koontz. For those of you who don't know who Greg is, he's a great airshow performer with an aerobatics school in Alabama. He does a great show with his Super Decathlon and the Cub Comedy Act.
What is needed:
Over lunch today he mentioned he needed to track down a new oil sump for the 85 on his Cub. Anyone out there have one in good shape they would like to sell or know of a good source for them?