pretend its 1945, the general is sick of being cramped, cold, no room for his wine collection, and narrowly missing the trees every takeoff in his stock L-4. you got a junk yard full of parts and all the go ahead in the world. this is what my cub is all about.
aprox. 3 yrs into the project now, everything but a right aileron is sitting on tables. frame is a retro PA-11 with super cub spec attach points and landing gear. as much as possible everything has the pre 45 salvage yard look. the seats material is original WWII seat canvus, the interior snaps in for quik removal and made of same material. seat frames are quik removal for easy cleaning/maintenace, double as camping chairs and fold into a bed in the plane thats better then mud. they also slide 7 inches, tilt aprox 30 degrees, and the front seat frame was narrowed for back seat leg room. 4 point harness welded to the frame. all baggage is .016 with sheet metal screws for easy removal. i redesigned the green house frame to save weight. trim cable is run outside cockpit area widening the cockpit almost an inch in the back seat. I raised the rudder pedals 1 inch and moved the brakes 1/2inch to make there use easier and mounted them to the frame, not the floorboard. 3 piece boot cowl with only a front header tank, no rear tank. twin 18 gal wing tanks. no flaps and no starter or generater. i weigh 118 lbs, and im hoping my cub will weigh 850ish. 0-200 with a 70/38 sensonich. still need to figure out tires and brake options

aprox. 3 yrs into the project now, everything but a right aileron is sitting on tables. frame is a retro PA-11 with super cub spec attach points and landing gear. as much as possible everything has the pre 45 salvage yard look. the seats material is original WWII seat canvus, the interior snaps in for quik removal and made of same material. seat frames are quik removal for easy cleaning/maintenace, double as camping chairs and fold into a bed in the plane thats better then mud. they also slide 7 inches, tilt aprox 30 degrees, and the front seat frame was narrowed for back seat leg room. 4 point harness welded to the frame. all baggage is .016 with sheet metal screws for easy removal. i redesigned the green house frame to save weight. trim cable is run outside cockpit area widening the cockpit almost an inch in the back seat. I raised the rudder pedals 1 inch and moved the brakes 1/2inch to make there use easier and mounted them to the frame, not the floorboard. 3 piece boot cowl with only a front header tank, no rear tank. twin 18 gal wing tanks. no flaps and no starter or generater. i weigh 118 lbs, and im hoping my cub will weigh 850ish. 0-200 with a 70/38 sensonich. still need to figure out tires and brake options