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McCaslin Field (O44) Fly-In & BBQ Nov 18

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Former Owner and Admin
Dec 27, 2004
Reaction score
McCaslin Field (O44) Fly-In & BBQ
Saturday November 18th, 2006 - 10:00AM
Slaughterville , OK (8 miles south of Norman , OK )

CTAF - 122.9
AWOS – 119.95 (at KOUN, 11 miles NW)
Identifier - O44 (Oscar 44)
2,135' grass runway, 17/35

LAT: 35o 05' 32.254 N
LONG: 97o 20' 11.104 W

Arrive at 10:00, we'll start eating lunch around noon. Lunch will be at "Big Belly BBQ" across Hwy 77, just a few hundred feet away. At 11:00, we'll start fly-bys of a lot of unique and antique aircraft. We expect to have 30+ planes in attendance, many of them classics. Fly-bys will continue until 2-3PM. Come out and you are guaranteed to see a wide variety of aircraft. Everyone is welcome. Drive-ins are also welcome if you don't have a plane.

The field is mowed and in good condition.

In case of bad or questionable weather, check this website for updates. If you have any questions, feel free to call Steve Ruse at 405-209-9010.


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