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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
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Have friends that have a summer house on Swans Island just south of Bar Harbor Me, that have been after us to stop in for a visit. Skyvectors shows a 1300' private gravel strip on the island and the Google map shows that it looks usable? Talked to the owner who said It should be ok for a Cub but it hadn't been used in a few years. The google photo must be old because when my friend went for a look it was overgrown enough that a car couldn't drive down it. We had already made plans to go so we jumped into the car Sunday afternoon for a little drive, how far can it be? Turns out that it's 525 miles, and when you drive from central NY and hit the Maine border your only half way there.

Ferry out of Bass Harbor

Dinner doesn't get much fresher then this

Seabugs come off the boat and stored in the ocean

We want those guys

Shoveling bait

This is a quarry on the top of a hill on Swans that sent Granite blocks to NYC and Boston for over 150 years till it flooded. Now the islands swimming hole.

The Atlantic is a might bit chilly up there

The spousal unit and myself

Stopped at the Kittery Trading Post on the way home and the had Bushwheel bikes

I love Maine even if I have to drive to get there.


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