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LSA Instruction in heavier airplane?

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sandbar pilot

Well-Known Member
May 17, 2009
Reaction score
This is probably a simple answer but maybe one of you can settle a hangar discussion that took place.

The question was, can you offer Sport Pilot Instruction to a Sport Pilot Student if you're using a PA18, or any other aircraft that is too heavy to be a legal LSA?

Our initial knee jerk was, no, the instruction has to take place in an LSA. Then someone submitted the scenario; What about the spray pilot that learned to fly in his dad's Supercub, started spraying in Stearmans and retires with 25,000 hours, flying Turbine Air Tractors? He's never flown an airplane lighter than 1320 pounds, never needed to, never wanted to. Does that guy now have to go get 15 hours of instruction from his grandchild in a T-Craft, and follow that with 5 hours solo in order to be considered for a Sport Pilot Check Ride? Surely not - - - Right????

So, as far as instruction, can that be in any single engine airplane of less than 12,500 pounds as long as the check ride takes place in an LSA, and the Sport Pilot only exercises the privileges of PIC in an LSA?

Thanks in advance.

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