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Posted on: Today at 09:18:07 AMPosted by: iflyaj3
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Phil...beautiful country...I miss flying out in your and Geo's part of the world. Flew the Cub from Tillamook along the coast of Oregon/Washington to Boeing Field. What a wonderful coastline to fly over! Flew in the SEA area for a couple years before I came east via I-90, old rail-beds, I-80 and plowed fields. 42.5 hrs from BFI-Lock Haven...a trip I hope to repeat some day! Keeping to the thread a bit, hangered her at BFI for about a month, Martha Lake (closed airport up by Everett), and then Monroe, Wa....all at rents much cheaper than now.
Hi Mike...Your route is pretty close to what my brother flew in bringing my Cubby to Oregon. Basically he flew I-90 to the middle of Montana and changed his plans due to closed airplace from fires. He cut down I-15 to the Snake River and followed I-84 to the Boise, Idaho area. He followed highways from Boise to Burns to Prineville to Madras.
Have you put pixs into the Album? What engine do you have?
Did you take pixs? Once my brother was here, we downoladed his digi pixs which are pretty nice.
Someday...maybe I'll get that experience!!
Pix is around Mitchell, SD following I-90
Posted on: Today at 09:18:07 AMPosted by: iflyaj3
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Phil...beautiful country...I miss flying out in your and Geo's part of the world. Flew the Cub from Tillamook along the coast of Oregon/Washington to Boeing Field. What a wonderful coastline to fly over! Flew in the SEA area for a couple years before I came east via I-90, old rail-beds, I-80 and plowed fields. 42.5 hrs from BFI-Lock Haven...a trip I hope to repeat some day! Keeping to the thread a bit, hangered her at BFI for about a month, Martha Lake (closed airport up by Everett), and then Monroe, Wa....all at rents much cheaper than now.
Hi Mike...Your route is pretty close to what my brother flew in bringing my Cubby to Oregon. Basically he flew I-90 to the middle of Montana and changed his plans due to closed airplace from fires. He cut down I-15 to the Snake River and followed I-84 to the Boise, Idaho area. He followed highways from Boise to Burns to Prineville to Madras.
Have you put pixs into the Album? What engine do you have?
Did you take pixs? Once my brother was here, we downoladed his digi pixs which are pretty nice.
Someday...maybe I'll get that experience!!
Pix is around Mitchell, SD following I-90