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First Flight in a long time

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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2009
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As some of you with excess memory capacity might recall, I've mentioned before that I wrecked a motorcycle about 6 years ago, and haven't flown since. Had a month long struggle with vertigo immediately after the accident, and in the subsequent years I've had 3 light aircraft flights, each time experiencing one degree or another of airsickness (probably set myself up for failure each time, though). But the bug never left me (one reason I still follow this group closely). And I've never stopped wanting to fly an airplane without a training wheel in front.

At any rate, the bug has been chewing on me with more vigor lately, and partially spurred on by finding out that there's a grass strip close to home that may allow me to base there, a confluence of favorable circumstances led me to climbing into a Carbon Cub SS last evening. My word, what a great experience that was! Because I was flying out of Montgomery County Airpart in Maryland (KGAI) deep in the heart of DC's Special Flight Rules Area, we had to fly (more or less) straight out (after an express elevator ride up!). That was fine by me... I didn't want to push my luck anyway; just enjoy a rare beautiful, calm, cool June evening. The gee whiz Garmin panel was too much to take in all at once, so I did a couple stalls so I knew how the airplane communicated its displeasure and just stopped looking inside (except to tune the radio and transponder, lest the Forces of Darkness around here send up an F-16...although I'd love to see one of those try to stay with us at 30kts).

Once we exited the SFRA, we made a stop at Clearview Airpark, a place feared by many local pilots because it's only about 1800x30 feet. We did a wheel landing with me (somewhat) at the controls (I could feel the instructor, Dana's inputs and mostly followed along) and we still had to taxi 1/2 to 3/4 of the runway. Taxied back and he let me do the take off. I was nearly at 1000' before I could get the flaps in. Another wheel landing back at GAI as the sun was setting and that was that. Never a twinge of discomfort. Except maybe for my underused smile muscles that were starting to cramp up. I'll take Dana's nice comments that I flew much better than other rusty pilots as just being nice. I know better. But my gosh, that was fun!

Now a Carbon Cub is far too expensive for me to be a steady mistress, but she was simply too much fun to be a one flight stand. I'll be back in it, to be sure. There's a guy at a closer airport who does tailwheel endorsement training in an old Champ and I'll give him a call later today. That's more my style anyway. I don't need to see nearly 2000 fpm on the VSI or be able to fly in and out of a helipad. But I didn't realize how much I missed the intoxicating mixture of avgas and oil and to watch the world slowly go by from 1000'. When I returned home, I told my wife that it was the most fun I've had outside of her presence. She said, "That was nice of you to say, but we both know you're lying."

Good woman, she.

Guess I'll have to start looking for a J3 or the like. would love to experience a flight in a Legend, just to copare the experience.


PS... Dana and his charming wife, Meredith, are about to embark on a two month lap around the continental US in their J3. Follow along and maybe pre-purchase the book they're writing about the adventure here... http://www.holladayaviation.com/adventure/
I know they're doing this on a shoestring and ever little bit will help.

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