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Lean Rich by carb heat

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Nov 22, 2011
Reaction score
The 75 hp Continental engine in the Fly Baby stumbled at about 2,000 rpm. When I pulled the carb heat, it ran smoothly. Even after taxiing with the carb heat on, it still needed carb heat to run smoothly at the higher rpm. I am thinking the carb heat was not eliminating ice, but rather changing the fuel mixture from lean to rich.

Here’s my first question: Am I right in thinking carb heat makes the mixture richer? And that for it to run properly without carb heat, the mixture needs to be made richer?

If the problem is the mixture, then here’s a follow up question: The problem occurred today when the temperature was about 35 degrees Fahrenheit. The previous owner only flew it in nice weather – 70 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. If he had the mixture set for the warmer weather, could the colder weather have made the mixture so lean as to cause the problem?

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