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Jury Strut Clamp Issues

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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2014
Reaction score
I was wondering if anyone had ever ran into an issue with new jury strut clamps from Univair ?

I went to install the following new parts on my J-3/L-4 this weekend when I ran into fitment issues with the jury strut clamps.

All parts including the new J-3 lift struts are new from Univair as well.

U12611-000 UNIVAIR REAR JURY STRUT CLAMP - U12611-000 2
U12601-000 UNIVAIR FRONT JURY STRUT CLAMP - U12601-000 2
U80002-041 UNIVAIR JURY STRUT LUG - U80002-041 4
U12571-003 UNIVAIR REAR JURY STRUT - U12571-003 2
U12931-000 UNIVAIR FRONT JURY STRUT - (LEFT) - U12931-000 1
U12571-002 UNIVAIR FRONT JURY STRUT - (RIGHT) - U12571-002 1
U12591-000 UNIVAIR JURY STRUT SPACER TUBE - U12591-000 2

The front clamps look to bee to small leaving a gap too large for the strut lugs and the rear clamps, look to be spaced way too high ?

I can confirm the upper and lower lift strut mounting is straight, both flat and doesn't have any twist.




Rear Clamp compared to previous clamp.

Front clamps look too small ? Possibly once welded, it pulled the metal out of spec.

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