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Immaculate 1939 J-3 Cub for sale

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Aug 24, 2010
Reaction score
Hi all,

I've finally come to grips emotionally with selling my cub. I've listed it on Barnstormers. She served me great for three years, however a change in rolls at my job is keeping me busy and out of the cockpit, and flying much less frequently than I should be. I'm looking for a serious buyer who will fly her regluarly.


A bit of history on the plane: it was first delivered to Lou Foote flying service in Texas, September 1939. It served as a trainer for pilots entering WWII for a number of years. Eventually it was sold and moved to west Texas, where it was outfited as a duster. Years later it was converted back to normal, and sold to an owner in Southern California.

It was purchased by Eugene Copock, flown to Auburn CA, and completely overhauled in 1999. Eugene was a retired airline captain, and was best known was restoring the only flying stinson tri motor model A in the late 70's. During cub overhaul the fuselage was stripped bare, completly refurbished, and a zero timed Continental 65 was installed up front and outfited with sealed struts. There is a very complete photo journal of the restoration with over 100 photos detailing the process from start to finish.

Sadly, Eugene passed away only a few months after finishing the cub. It stayed with his family for a few more years, then was sold to a friend of the family who was also based on Auburn airport, who in turn sold it to me in May of 2011. I've had it hangared at Santa Paula Airport (SZP) ever since.

Since the restoration and overhal it has been hangared 100% of the time. The fabric is in excelent condition. There is little to no rust on any of the hardware and the underlying fuselage is rust free throughout. The only blemish is a broken trim position indicator, which could be fixed if you or your mechanic enjoy laying on your back in dark, exceptionally tight spaces. More trouble than it's worth, if you ask me.

The airframe is low time, 1,933 hours. The engine now has 352 hours since overhaul. It consumes very little oil, usually a quart every 10 hours or so. The oil has been changed every 25 hours since I purchased it. It regularly burns 4.8 to 5 gallons of fuel an hour, depending on how hard you're flying it.

The logs go back to 1958, and are very thorough since the restoration in 1999.

If you're interested, please feel free to contact me through direct message on this site, or with my contact info on barnstormers.com, but serious buyers only please. I'm asking 35,000 - I think you'd be hard pressed to find a cleaner, more reliable cub for such a price. For serious buyers, I'm happy to refer you to a number of folks that are very active in the cub community who are familair with the plane, I'll be updating this thread with a few more photos shortly.

Thanks for looking!


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