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Golf Cub

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A Minnesota man made a safe emergency landing in his Piper Cub single-engine plane shortly after 8:20 p.m. Thursday at Willowbrook Golf Club, Route 37, town of Pamelia,(NY) after he experienced what was described as icing in the carburetor.

James L. Weckman Jr., 39, Hutchinson, Minn., was flying home from Vermont when he started having trouble, state police said.

The golf club pro, Doug N. McDavitt, who went to the pilot's assistance, said he was trying to find Watertown International Airport but, being unsure of its location, found the open area of the golf course.

A nearby resident, Michael Corwin, Willowbrook Drive, said he saw the craft fly over low, then suddenly fly upward, apparently to avoid power lines. After circling, the plane landed on the ninth fairway, Mr. McDavitt said.

Some people at the club pushed the Piper to Willowbrook's maintenance area.

Mr. Weckman, who was not available for an interview, was not injured. He and Mr. McDavitt secured the plane with chains to prevent an overnight theft.

Mr. Weckman arranged to stay overnight at a motel and was to have a mechanic from the airport check the plane out this morning....end of copied news story

I don't know this person, but thought it would be of interest. A picture showed a red and white J3.

Also I doubt if the golf pro's real name is "Doug N. McDavitt". You gotta love that upstate NY humor :D



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