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Fuel Leak, NAS-3 Carb

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Senior Member
Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2013
Reaction score
West of the Pecos, Texas
Went to fly the L-4 last Thursday. As always, I turned on the fuel valve as part of the pre-flight. Very shortly, I noticed fuel dripping from the rear edge of the lower cowling. I turned the fuel off and on several times, but the drip continued anytime the fuel valve was on. I gave up on the idea of flying, but resolved to return with a full tool kit the following day.

The next day, I turned the fuel on again prior to beginning work, but there was no more leak. The leak didn't reappear after cycling the fuel valve a few more times, so I went flying.

Has anyone here had something like this happen with their NAS-3 carb? Could this have been a case of a little piece of grit between the carb float needle valve and its seat? Are there other possible causes?

The carb was overhauled by Bob Kachergius two years ago. Its operation has otherwise been perfect.


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