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Franklin 65Hp Cub Questions

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Well-Known Member
May 26, 2008
Reaction score
Hey Ya'll,
As some know I have a 1940 J3F-65 Cub. She has roughly 2000TT (engine) and 250 since top.

Anywho just wanted to run some numbers about what im gettin and see what ya'll think (preferably franklin specific).

All the below is in Houston, TX 100ft Field Elevation at roughly 85-95 Degrees F and 60-70% humidity.

By myself im turning 2100RPM at full throttle going down the runway/climb, about 2200 in level flight. Im climbing by myself (full tank) at roughly 350-400FPM and with a passenger (adult) about 100-150FPM. I climb out between 55-60MPH. (not sure if I should slow up or if I should keep the same speed). Im also shooting my approach speed at 60, burning it off to 50ish about the numbers and touching down in the 35-40ish range. Im using the sensenich prop my parts manual specify's fro the franklin 65.

Im not sure if I should be producing more power/rpm's than what im getting. (Im a Cessna guy...now converted) . Ive been told I should look into a new exhaust system, not sure if thats the problem or not. Im also going to have the mags re-timed at the next annual.

This all might be just speculation and worry on my part, but I flew the cub back in PA and the guys down here with the 65HP continentals seem to get better performance. What ya'll think?

(Im also looking for ANY and ALL help regarding parts on this franklin. I would LOVE to keep this engine as she is rare, but I need somewhere to get parts to stockpile!)

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