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Cub Wing Questions

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New Member
May 23, 2009
Reaction score
I am building a Wag Aero Clipped WIng Cub. Several questions that maybe someone can answer that the plans do NOT! I am building a wood spar, wood rib clipped wing. First question is about the #1 compression tube, where it attaches onto the rear spar. It is made of 3/4" tubing, and it appears it fits onto/over a 5/16" bolt that is one of the bolts that holds the wing attach plates onto the spar. There is also a fitting for a drag wire in this assembly. It looks to be like it simple sits over the top of the bolt head, with nothing else holding it in place but the "compression" between the ribs and the drag wire tension. Anyone know?

Second question is about where the holes are drilled in front and rear spars for the compression strut fittings. The plans (with several errors and corrections), basically show the bottom hole of the fitting to be 1-1/2" up from the bottom of the front spar, and 1-5/8" up from the bottom of the rear spar. Way I see it, with all the measuring and figuring I can do, is that the plane of the drag wires is not ninety degrees from the spars. The plane will actually tilt up from the front spar to the rear spar. And relating to the first question, it will really tilt up to that 5/16" bolt on the rear spar attach plate, cause it is supposed to be at 2-11/16" up from the bottom of the spar.

Appreciate anything useful from the experts.


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