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Cub vs. Champ

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bob turner

Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2005
Reaction score
Just brought a 100 hp Champ to San Diego from the Denver area. A sweetheart airplane, although not a Cub.

Earlier in the summer, I helped bring a 100 hp Legend in from Florida. I did not write down a lot of performance data from that, but I was generally pleased with the aircraft.

My impression has always been that the Champ was a faster airplane in cruise. Apparently not so, when we get to the 100 hp variants. Both airplanes seem to come in at the 85 mph mark. Both were wood prop-equipped.

I enjoyed the Champ, but I have to say the Cubs handle a lot better. No wonder they are twice the price.

One of the neat things about this trip - I was not sure the hand held even worked, so I just went Nordo from Denver to just east of my home airport. A good earplug, apparently, is a lot better than a headset. I had forgotten how pleasant nordo flying was. I even turned the GPS off..

I called the tower to see if I could get in Nordo if the hand held wouldn't perform. They said ordinarily, yes, but a sports TFR caused them to be not able. The portable worked, but by the time I got on final, all I could hear was country music. Squelch knob didn't work.

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