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Crow Island Aviators (CIA) Stow MA 8MA4 - Potluck Fly N - Sat Aug 10th

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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2009
Reaction score
The Crow Potluck flyin is this Saturday August 10th with rain date on the 11th. Saturday weather looks good.

Always a lot of fun.

There is a nice pond for swimming, and super flat grass strip. Come on out for a lot of fun!

Its in Stow, MA with new airport identifier 8MA4. It is just north of Marlboro airport (9B1) with Assebet river to the north.

Traffic pattern is 1100', unicom 122.9, 2300' grass strip, 185' elevation.

Stay to the North in the pattern:
Left Pattern 11
Right Pattern 29

Here is more information!

11x14 CIA EVENT .jpg

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