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Premium Member
Jan 13, 2010
Reaction score
I am re-posting this for Iran. If someone can help him with getting on this web site I am sure he would very much appropriate it. He is building a Piper L-4 R/C but as you can see has worked on full size aircraft too, impressive.


Hi Keri,

I notice that you are a member of the J-3 Cub forum under a different id. About 3 weeks ago I registered for the site and received a confirmation email to complete the registration. None of the links in the confirmation email worked and this set off a chain reaction.

I tried contacting the administrator, tonight being the 5th time I tried. I have not received a response from any of the 5 attempts. I did contact another member who tried to help out but with no success.

What is so strange is that I can send PM's, but I can not view any of the threads while logged in. I can follow all the threads when I am logged out but I have to click on each picture to view them which is typical of most of the forums.

I just do not understand what is going on. Is there some way you can contact someone who runs the website and give them my email address so I can get this sorted out. It is very frustrating. My email address is: [email protected].

BTW, I am going to look into finding someone who might be restoring a J-3 or an L-4 some where in my locality. I would also like to find a J-3 or L-4 owner near my home. I am in the San Fernando Valley about 25 miles NE of Los Angeles. If you know of anyone in this area I would sure like to get in touch. I have a lot of restoration experience while a member of the Camarillo wing of the CAF. I primarily worked on the B-25 restoration but had my hands on most of the other restorations going on. I would like to volunteer my time to a restorer near by.

If I was in your neighborhood, you couldn't keep me away.

Best Regards,


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