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Class C and B, and Mode C airspace

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Oct 9, 2015
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I'm based at Santa Barbara, SBA, which is a Class C airport. Santa Barbara is an ATC training tower. I have had a variety of communication issues when leaving and returning to SBA. I have been denied return entry by a new Approach Controller. He said I wasn't allowed to enter Class C airspace. As I orbited just outside the airspace I explained the "negative transponder" and the 1946 Certified Piper Cub. He talked with a supervisor and then cleared me into the airspace. SBA has requested that I contact them via phone an hour or so before flight, to let them know what I am planning, proposed take-off time and proposed return time. Not a big deal. It takes me about that long to drive to the airport, get my stuff together, and pre-flight the Cub. I am near LAX's Class B airspace and they have a 30nm Mode C requirement. My issue is that I would like to thread the needle and go to San Diego area or east to Chino Air Museum. Once a month Chino has some interesting programs and airshows. It would be a 1.5-2 hour flight SBA direct to CNO. Or, I would have to take a very lengthy route around the Mode C airspace.
The direct route is much preferred but I would have to thread the needle skirting around Class C and D, and below LAX's Class B to get to Chino or the San Diego area. I have been inquiring with LAX ATC regarding permission to transit the areas. They asked that I go to skyvector.com and send them a link to the proposed flight path/plan from SBA to CNO. The point of all of this background is a letter I received from LAX ATC saying they have contacted all of the appropriate ATC facilities from Pt. Mugu (NTD) to San Diego and asked for comment or concerns for a 1946 Cub "negative transponder" and notified them that I might be transiting their airspace in the future. Their email said, "I emailed the controllers who work Burbank, Ontario, and San Diego area airspace to see if they had any input they wanted to provide regarding your route and did not receive any negative replies. I have examined your route and it complies with the requirements of 14 CFR §91.215 ATC transponder and altitude reporting equipment and use." Permission is granted for future flights with the "suggest"ion that I contact them via email or phone call "...more than one hour before flight." The guys at LAX ATC have been good to deal with, given a little lead time, they have given me and the 1946 Cub "negative transponder" permission to go through, around, and under the Class D C B and Mode C airspace. I just thought you should know that this worked for me, and it might for you, if you have a similar situation.

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