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ADS-B For a J3

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Active Member
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
332 Downey Dr Big Bear City CA 92314
I'm a traditional pilot. Have to be, right, I'm flying a J3. I'm stubborn about change when it comes to flying and technology. I like "steam" gauges and hate digital displays in the cockpit. Nevertheless, I admit to having a portable GPS with me when I fly. But, I still keep a "local" chart (OK Terminal Area Chart) in the seat pocket. All that said, I fly in Southern California. While my home airport is uncontrolled and outside of the LA basin, it is nevertheless a tourist destination, attracting lots of those Tupperware, high tech, modern aircraft and their modern high tech pilots. Many of these folks put all their faith into the screen in their panel that shows "all" the traffic in the vicinity. I've actually had them tell me that I'm no factor while trying to convince them that I'm at their 12 o'clock level, less than a mile. So, I had a choice, find a technological solution, or keep dodging those idiots who refuse to see and avoid. Two choices presented themselves. First find a way to add enough power for a Mode C xpndr, then also create a closed pitot/static system, or looking ahead to 2020 go ADS-B. Now, ADS-B in complete form also requires a Mode S transponder and an engine driven electrical system and about a $5000 installation. However, if I stay out of A, B & C airspace I can legally get by without a transponder (even after 2020). Searching alternatives (that cost less than the market value of my J3) I found the Salus-3 from Skyvisionxtreme. Its an ADS-B in and out portable unit that will operate with or without a xpndr off the gel cell battery behind my seat. The unit was $1,300, not cheap but affordable in comparison to other alternatives. Add another $300 for a tablet and software and I had a working ADS-B system that (when in range of the ground transmitters) made me visible to most guys with their iPads or other digital traffic devices and , maybe more important, made them visible to me. Because I'm both in and out, I get all the traffic the system sees. So, had it for about a month now and happy with my purchase. Curious what others in the forum might be doing .

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