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Canadian Cub Aircraft Project

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Cameron Price

Forgotten Cub Aircraft
Sep 28, 2019
Reaction score
Newington, ON CANADA
There has been previous discussions on this forum a decade ago regarding the 148 Canadian manufactured J-3C and L-4B Cub Aircraft.

I have started a research project to fully document all of the Cub Aircraft manufactured in Hamilton, Ontario from October 1945 until late 1948.

You can review my early research at this link Forgotten Cub Aircraft - A Brief History

Although I have contacted the majority of existing Cub Aircraft owners, you may have information, experiences or pictures that I would be anxious to hear about and see. I intend to devote a chapter of my eventual e-book to each of the aircraft, with pictures during their lifespan.

The article I wrote has some background information about my interest and motivation.

Thank you.

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