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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2011
Reaction score
Normal good runup, mag check perfect, static full power runup fine. Easy throttle advance and lift-off at aprox. 50mph. started easy climb at 55mph while coming to full throttle. At 150 ft and full throttle engine lost 90% power as though throttle was retarded suddenly. I retarded throttle with immidiate pitch down and flare and engine surged to higher power before I retarded throttle all the way. Engine did not quit. Taxi back thinking possible temporary fuel contamination. ( yes I drained gascolator, fuel tank on preflight). Recycled fuel valve three times, Mag chaeck and full power runup and carb heat check along with primer checked locked was fine. Second takeoff same engine power loss. (with me layinig for it). Back to barn: removed carb screen very Small amount of sand, removed gascolator screen with small sand on screen, removed fuel valve was clean, removed fuel tank filter was clean. visual nose tank with no contamination obseved. No water.Checked fuel flow by removing fuel line from carb. and checking line for kinks etc. Fine fuel flow.

Any ideas on what else I might look for?
Also what make of gascolator ae you all using?
I'll test fly it tomorrow ( on the 9,000 ft runway) with hopes the small sand was the prroblem.


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