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Brakes froze in flight!

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
May 18, 2021
Reaction score
Well, I beat the snowplow to the airport today and took off through 4 inches of light fluffy snow. No problem. I’m running 6.00 X 6 tires on Cleveland wheels and brakes. I flew about an hour to another airport.

I made a nice smooth, one might even say artful, 3 point landing. On touchdown I heard an awful squealing and the tail wanted to come up a little. The plane didn’t track straight and wanted to head off centerline. I just used my flight controls and rode it out. I was on the stop for aft stick and maybe 3/4 of right rudder. After a second or two, back to normal, everything was fine. I was maybe 10 ft off centerline.

The runway was plowed but pretty slick anyway, which was helpful. There wasn’t even a flat spot on either tire. The lockup was over before I lost aerodynamic control authority so I didn’t nose over or depart the runway.

My feet were not on the brakes, which was my first thought. I have ‘inny’ heel brakes and it’s not hard to avoid them.

Exciting stuff and I’m glad I got away with it. I won’t take off through 4 inches of snow again.

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