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Adding oil to the J3 Cub

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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2018
Reaction score
Lawrence Municipal (KLWM)
Hi All,

I typically need to add about three quarts (total) of engine oil to my C-85 powered J3 Cub during the regular 25 hour oil change interval. I've always found that the recessed oil fill on the Cub ensures a messy job of topping off the oil even when using an extender on the 1 quart oil bottle. I loathe this job so much that I find myself adding oil less often than I really should. My basic MO is to let the level drop a full quart before adding any fresh oil, so I'm probably already refilling as infrequently as practical!

I'm thinking that I might build an pressurized 'oiler' using a 1 gallon plastic garden sprayer. I'd change out the plastic valve and applicator wand with a pushbutton valve, and a nozzle made of copper tubing to provide the necessary reach. Graduations on the opaque oiler tank would make metering the oil quantity a breeze! It seems that an apparatus like this would make oil refills in the Cub easier and much less messy!

How is everybody adding oil to their Cub's now, and how do you avoid greasy hands and making a mess?



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