1946 J3 on EDO 1400 floats W/Goodyear wheels & Brakes, Federal 1500A Skies, Maule Tailwheel. C85-12 Engine 1405 Hrs TSMOH Comp all in mid to upper 70s Runs good, good oil press. Bendix Mags, Shielded wiring, Stromberg Carb, McCauley 1A-90CF7142 Prop. Airframe 9939 Hrs TTAF Comprehensive Profesional restoration in 1996, Always hangered, only 65 hrs flown since, Looks new! Ceconite 102 fabric, Airtec Finish. New tailfeathers, Leading edges, sealed struts, metal stringers, 2 new 12 Gal. wingtanks (36 Gal.total), New interior & seat covers, Extended baggage, Turn & bank, Guages tested, & many other new parts. Cost of Airframe restoration $ 35,000. No Damage since restoration. No electrics. (starter & gen. available) Asking $ 39,900. Located near Rapid River MI at Ness Landing (Private) SPB (3MI9)
Contact: Jerry Ness Email [email protected] Cell Phone (906) 280-1113
Contact: Jerry Ness Email [email protected] Cell Phone (906) 280-1113

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