1940 J3 Cub, with C90 (90hp) engine. 2658 engine TT. 5738 airframe TT. Recent top overhaul & new cylinders in April 2017. Brand new gear fabric and trim system in December 2020. Many other upgrades, including: sealed struts, metal spars, four-point front & rear inertial harnesses, overhauled carb, approved electronic starter (no need to hand prop), Cleveland brakes, Scott 3200 tailwheel, auxiliary wing tank (11 gallons) plus 12 on the nose with 4 gph typical burn, Sensenich W72GK48 wooden prop, and recent Bruce’s Custom Covers. Great plane, selling only to afford a share in IFR-capable plane.
Located Walla Walla, WA
Contact: Amelia Leopold
email: [email protected]
Text/call: 206-465-9220
Located Walla Walla, WA
Contact: Amelia Leopold
email: [email protected]
Text/call: 206-465-9220

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